Friday 6 November 2015


it was a foreign place, hidden in the dark forest, which is a enchanting place to live on and for a couple of years ago, where she met him and this became her home but in a glorious castle like this it's easy to feel secluded and not included but when the leaves fell from the trees and the seasons changes - It wasn't love by the first sight but during one walk in the moon light , it would come to change 

This was my first home away from home, and i felt anxious, curious and like an little reindeer , egger 
to see what this place had to offer.  She was naive and childish, which can be a charming but for the sake of grow up its important to not stop the progress of learning and i learned a lot about life but more important love.

I were attended this chanted place, filled with magic and mysterious, and it were a marvelous place to educate people on. It were in the woods so people didn't really have a lot of stuff to do at the spare-time so they had to be creative and every morning I woke up to birds twitter and when i came home from my lesson i always saw reindeers jumping around. It were a dramatic time in my life, mostly during winter and spring but i learned a lesson you cant learn in  school: Trust. In the beginning of the year it was very beautiful, decorated with flowers. but when it became more of autumn, the environment were very eerie and spooky, specially during Halloween. Pumpkins, candles and the moon, Hearing the rustling of leaves when my classmates were went down to castle and twigs snapping . Helliden wore a castle ( imagine harry potter ) and there you have it , located secluded into the wild . It was very beautiful and calm but as many private school has - there wore rules that not wore meant to be broken , and i did had had the fortune to them with you  

it wore a flirtation with the dark side when she arrived 50 shades of something she never would love
but she got attached to the feeling of belong to somebody ? Finally she had somebody she could call mine , stay way late the curfew and you become my parter of crime .You had a bit to much of drunk and i became drunk in love .They say that i shouldn't get involved but what do they know - everybody need to be loved , she was certain she had this thing under control but boy , she had wrong !!!